Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eva Habib: AUC's First Female Graduate

This is a documentary about Eva Habib, the first female to enter AUC. It gives some parts of her life at AUC and shows the impact this had on her life.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Project promos

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Video Promo Script:

Eva Habib

Music: Fade in Abd el Halim “wehyat alby” from the beginning

Basma: Eva Habib, the first female to enter AUC did more than just make history, she paved the way for all females who enter the university today. (8 seconds)

S.B. Nisreen: “ She talked before about her experience on her first day and wanting to turn back and go home, but in the end her pride won and she stuck to it, and I think that many women in her shoes would have turned back. It is hard enough thinking about your first day at college, but imagine being the only woman too. (19 seconds)

Music: Fade out wehyat alby at 30 seconds

Audio Promo Script:

Eva Habib audio

Music: Fade in Elhawa hawaya music from 5 seconds

Basma: Eva Habib pushed the boundaries of her time, and because of her achievements became a vital part of AUC history. (7 seconds)

Nisreen S.B.: She was a revolutionary. Can you imagine being the first woman to enter a university with all men and come out being the valedictorian? She was truly an inspiration, and someone we can all look up to. (15 seconds)

Basma: Come attend the Listening Sessions, at AUC's New Cairo campus on Sunday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 19 at 10 a.m. each day in the BEC building, room 1061. (10 seconds)

Music: Fade out Elhawa hawaya music at 35 seconds

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Need to Chill!

Lately I have been noticing things that really get on my nerves. Maybe it has to do with the increased stress because of upcoming graduation, or maybe I am just being picky. I have made a list of a few things that really push my buttons, and I think that most of you can relate.

  • When people continuously honk their horns even though there is clearly no where you can go

  • When random people keep adding me on facebook and send me mail as if I am going to reply.

  • When you are having a really important phone conversation and suddenly your credit runs out right in the middle of it.

  • When people ask for your advice then do the exact opposite of what you say.

  • When you suddenly realize that you have an assignment due the next day which you completely forgot about because you have been working on the million other things you have.

  • People who take forever to get to the point of what they are trying to say

  • People who I do not know or particularly like and you know they feel the same but they have to pretend to be extremely nice and fake.

Feel free to add on to the list!

McDreamy vs. McSteamy

Imagine yourself as Meredith Grey, sitting in Seattle Grace Hospital with McDreamy (Derek Shepherd) and McSteamy (Mark Sloan) walking up and down the halls every day. Grey’s Anatomy has presented many girls, such as myself, with this impossible question, who would you choose? Both are ruggedly handsome and incredibly successful Dr.’s but is it even possible to tell who is hotter?

Derek Shepherd, the dream guy for millions of girls and a brain surgeon no less. Perfect face, perfect job, incredibly handsome and not to mention has hair that any guy would kill for. His devotion to Meredith Grey, no matter how many times she rejects him or pushes him away due to her dark and twisted life, makes him that much more charming.

Mark Sloan, a plastic surgeon with a face that is a work of art. Although calling him promiscuous would be an understatement, you can’t help but fall for his charm and his incredible looks. But even a guy like McSteamy is capable of settling down when he finds the right girl (Lexi Grey a.k.a Little Grey).

So who would you choose? Personally I am a McDreamy fan. His kindness, caring, skill as a surgeon, and of course his hair are enough to give him a small advantage over McSteamy in my eyes.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fashion and Health: Does Beauty have to be Pain?


Today’s fashion, like skinny jeans and designer hand bags, can have a negative impact on your health. A-U-C’s Basma Elsharif has this report.

High heels, designer bags, strait leg jeans. For many girls following the latest fashion trends is a must, but at what cost? Increasingly, fashion is becoming more harmful to girl’s health. Heels have become higher, shirts have become tighter and through it all some girls follow religiously what the fashion industry deems as style. (23 seconds)

Voicer: A lack of awareness of these health risks may be part of the reason why some girls continue to sport these trends. Yara Saaed, a self proclaimed fashion enthusiast, disregards these warnings. (11 seconds)

Yara S.B.: “I am like any other girl, all of us follow fashion, and it is really fashionable now to wear heels and big bags. Maybe I have heard it once or twice that wearing heels can hurt your back, but I don’t think it’s that big a deal. I don’t think it’s that serious.” (15 seconds)

Voicer: Large bags have been established as a must have accessory by the fashion industry despite the fact that they may cause poor balance, and misalignment of the spine. Stilettos and pumps, a staple in any girl’s wardrobe, do not only cause painful calluses, but they also can change your posture, cause back pains, and increase the risk of getting knee osteoarthritis. Tight shirts and corset tops can cause shortness of breath. And for those unsightly spider veins which might be creeping up on your legs, you can thank your skin tight strait leg jeans. (36 seconds)

Voicer: Recently some designers have begun taking into account women’s health when creating their designs. Noha Kamel is a young designer, who hopes to show girls that fashion does not always have to be painful. (14 seconds)

Noha S.B.: “I took a number of courses in fashion before and I decided that the clothes I make for women should be comfortable and fashionable at the same time. I saw a number of women trying to wear two sizes too small for them, not knowing the effect that this has on their health. Fashion does not mean cramming yourself into tight clothes, you can be cute and comfortable while keeping up with the trends.” ( 23 seconds).

Voicer: The influence of fashion has spread farther than just eating disorders. We are now seeing that the actual clothes we wear cause harm to our bodies. Whether or not the harm done will increase, does not have to depend on what the fashion industry will churn out next. (16 seconds)

Voicer: There are ways to avoid the negative effects of fashion. Opt for flat or low shoes as opposed to high heels. If you choose to wear a big bag then swap between shoulders while carrying it. Avoid squeezing into shirts or pants that are too tight. Keeping a realistic body image will help girls pick suitable styles which are comfortable and trendy. ( 26 seconds)
Basma Elsharif, A-U-C News.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Listening Journal 4: Dreams From my mother

The documentary I listened to was called Dreams from My Mother. It was produced by BBC World Service and it was narrated by Judith Kampfner. The total length of this documentary was 23 minutes.

This documentary basically discussed a part of President Barack Obama’s life that has not been focused on before and that is his life with his mother, Ann Dunham, and the influence she had on him. The documentary discussed his life in Indonesia with her along with what happened when he left to go live in Hawaii again, all the while keeping the focus of the story on Ann. It showed her life, her ambitions, and through that the listener could see the values she wanted to implement in her son.

Despite the length of this documentary it was very intriguing to listen to. The first thing that made the documentary interesting was the use of soundbites from people who knew Ann, and who were also very good story tellers. Obama’s own voice was also used as sound bites describing various locations and also describing his life and his mother, and that made the documentary even more interesting. Also the use of nat sound in different locations in order to compliment what the narrator was saying was very effective. All of the sound quality was clear and it did not interfere with what the narrator was saying.

The narrator’s voice and speed was perfect for the documentary. She told the story well through her speech, and also her emotions came through because she made reference to the fact that she too lived in an area similar to the one where Obama grew up and where part of the story took place. I think that the fact that the narrator could relate this story to her own story showed through her presentation, and this made the listener interested and not bored despite the length.

Overall this documentary was very good and the perfect length in order to tell the story well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weekend from Heaven, Week from Hell

This weekend was fantastic to say the least!! I had a great outing with some friends, and we hadn’t gone out in a really long time. Then on Saturday one of my best and sweetest friends, Nahla Bahgat, got married!! She looked stunning in her dress and I really could not be happier for her. It was a perfect night for a perfect bride.

And now midterms have begun and my fantastic weekend is leading into a horrible week. Papers, exams, and projects seem to be popping out of nowhere.Not to mention the deadlines for submitting graduation things which no one seems to want to mention to me, so I just happen to find these things out. The days seem to be dragging on as spring break approaches, and at this point the thought of having a break is the only thing that’s keeping me going. Well, it really isn’t a vacation for me, I won’t be getting up early to go to college, instead I will be getting up early to finish all the projects and studying I have to do!

It is times like these that make me wish graduation would hurry up and come. And staring that the 109 pages that have to be finished before tomorrow’s exam, I realized that my mind is already on vacation.