Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eva Habib: AUC's First Female Graduate

This is a documentary about Eva Habib, the first female to enter AUC. It gives some parts of her life at AUC and shows the impact this had on her life.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Final Project promos

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Video Promo Script:

Eva Habib

Music: Fade in Abd el Halim “wehyat alby” from the beginning

Basma: Eva Habib, the first female to enter AUC did more than just make history, she paved the way for all females who enter the university today. (8 seconds)

S.B. Nisreen: “ She talked before about her experience on her first day and wanting to turn back and go home, but in the end her pride won and she stuck to it, and I think that many women in her shoes would have turned back. It is hard enough thinking about your first day at college, but imagine being the only woman too. (19 seconds)

Music: Fade out wehyat alby at 30 seconds

Audio Promo Script:

Eva Habib audio

Music: Fade in Elhawa hawaya music from 5 seconds

Basma: Eva Habib pushed the boundaries of her time, and because of her achievements became a vital part of AUC history. (7 seconds)

Nisreen S.B.: She was a revolutionary. Can you imagine being the first woman to enter a university with all men and come out being the valedictorian? She was truly an inspiration, and someone we can all look up to. (15 seconds)

Basma: Come attend the Listening Sessions, at AUC's New Cairo campus on Sunday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 19 at 10 a.m. each day in the BEC building, room 1061. (10 seconds)

Music: Fade out Elhawa hawaya music at 35 seconds