Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fashion and Health: Does Beauty have to be Pain?


Today’s fashion, like skinny jeans and designer hand bags, can have a negative impact on your health. A-U-C’s Basma Elsharif has this report.

High heels, designer bags, strait leg jeans. For many girls following the latest fashion trends is a must, but at what cost? Increasingly, fashion is becoming more harmful to girl’s health. Heels have become higher, shirts have become tighter and through it all some girls follow religiously what the fashion industry deems as style. (23 seconds)

Voicer: A lack of awareness of these health risks may be part of the reason why some girls continue to sport these trends. Yara Saaed, a self proclaimed fashion enthusiast, disregards these warnings. (11 seconds)

Yara S.B.: “I am like any other girl, all of us follow fashion, and it is really fashionable now to wear heels and big bags. Maybe I have heard it once or twice that wearing heels can hurt your back, but I don’t think it’s that big a deal. I don’t think it’s that serious.” (15 seconds)

Voicer: Large bags have been established as a must have accessory by the fashion industry despite the fact that they may cause poor balance, and misalignment of the spine. Stilettos and pumps, a staple in any girl’s wardrobe, do not only cause painful calluses, but they also can change your posture, cause back pains, and increase the risk of getting knee osteoarthritis. Tight shirts and corset tops can cause shortness of breath. And for those unsightly spider veins which might be creeping up on your legs, you can thank your skin tight strait leg jeans. (36 seconds)

Voicer: Recently some designers have begun taking into account women’s health when creating their designs. Noha Kamel is a young designer, who hopes to show girls that fashion does not always have to be painful. (14 seconds)

Noha S.B.: “I took a number of courses in fashion before and I decided that the clothes I make for women should be comfortable and fashionable at the same time. I saw a number of women trying to wear two sizes too small for them, not knowing the effect that this has on their health. Fashion does not mean cramming yourself into tight clothes, you can be cute and comfortable while keeping up with the trends.” ( 23 seconds).

Voicer: The influence of fashion has spread farther than just eating disorders. We are now seeing that the actual clothes we wear cause harm to our bodies. Whether or not the harm done will increase, does not have to depend on what the fashion industry will churn out next. (16 seconds)

Voicer: There are ways to avoid the negative effects of fashion. Opt for flat or low shoes as opposed to high heels. If you choose to wear a big bag then swap between shoulders while carrying it. Avoid squeezing into shirts or pants that are too tight. Keeping a realistic body image will help girls pick suitable styles which are comfortable and trendy. ( 26 seconds)
Basma Elsharif, A-U-C News.

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