Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happiness is a choice

I believe that happiness is a choice. It is not unusual to hear people talking about their bad luck and that they are down and out. Many times it feels like the silver lining is tarnished, and that life has us beat to the point that there is nowhere left to turn. However, I believe that every situation and event that we face in our lives has a bright side that sometimes we ignore because we focus so much on the negativity. I think that happiness is something that comes when a person is content with themselves and with their own lives, no matter how green the grass may look on the other side.

I once visited a slum area in Egypt called Manshiet Nasr. People there literally live with garbage all around them, barely any food to eat, and have hardly any money to survive off of. But, as I sat watching the people there sipping their evening tea enjoying the company of their neighbors and family, it seemed that they were genuinely happy. They were content with their simple lives simply because they chose to be. Happiness for them was just having the peace of mind that they got through the day and their family is there by their side. Seeing these people I learned that happiness doesn’t have to mean having everything you want, or always having things go your way. I realized that I might not be able to shape my destiny but I can control the way I perceive it, and that everything that would make me upset or unhappy was not worth my time.

It shouldn’t take losing something to appreciate what its worth. I believe in enjoying the days we have with every blessing that has been given to us. When the hard times come, and they will come no matter how much we try to keep them away, it is important to remember that they will pass. In the end I believe that nothing matters more than a person being content and happy with their lives and finding inner peace.

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