Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Age, New Time, Same Mentality

As time goes by things progress. It is inevitable that things will change, people will grow and develop and along with this growth there will be changes in the way of thinking and people’s state of mind. But as I think about it more, it seems like even though some things are progressing in Egypt, the role of women seems to be standing still. There is no doubt that women have begun to join the workforce, but the cultural and stereotypical role of women being in charge of the household and taking care of the kids still persists.

In my eyes it is unfair that men get treated by a certain standard, and women are held to a completely different standard. Something may be okay for a man to do, but if a woman did it she would risk shaming her family or she will pretty much be committing social suicide. But nothing infuriates me more than when people see it as something bad or shameful if a woman does not marry young.

Are women not just as capable as men at holding down a job and being successful? Shouldn’t she be able to choose what she wants with her life, and whether or not marriage is right for? I am not generalizing about everyone when I make this statement. I admit that there are people who have grown out of this phase and do not see it as a problem for a woman to marry late. But for some women the social pressure is too much, and they get married just to please everyone.

I know a girl who is in charge of spending for her entire household because they are so poor. She goes and works as a maid and brings home money to support her family. Despite her efforts and despite the fact that she is the only one working in the family, the men in the household and her mother think that there is something wrong with her for not being married. This poor girl is put in a position that whoever comes to propose to her she will accept no matter who he is.

There are lots of changes to be made in our society. Recognizing that women are just as important and independent as men is one of the major things that need to be changed in the mentality of the Egyptians.

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