Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Listening journal 2: BBC News

In the BBC Newscast, Mike Cooper was the presenter. He started out direct and to the point by simply stating the name of the station and his own name and going straight to the news. The newscast was a total of 5 minutes.

The newscast was rich with political news, political figures, and natural disasters. It began with Hillary Clinton and the Chile earthquake issue. Then he moved on to Uganda landslides. Next came news about Palestinians and other stories with relevance to the Middle East. The final story broke this trend by giving a scientific story about ostrich eggs and how they were used as a form of messaging.

This newscast was very interesting for several reasons. First of all, it was very much diversified in the type of news and in the way the news was presented. There were reporters and also with some stories you could hear clips of speeches such as with the Hillary Clinton story. Not only that but the stories varied in locations so there were highlights from every part of the world, and it was stated briefly and concisely in the 5 minutes. The quality of the content was good because it was strait to the point.

The quality of the sound was very clear and easy to listen to. The only problem was when listening to part of Hillary Clinton’s speech there was some feedback that could be heard. Other than that the presenter’s voice was appropriate for the type of news presented. His accent was British but was easy to understand, and he even shifted his tone depending on how serious or not serious the story was. There was not any nat sound used, just simply parts of speeches in some of the stories. The reporter's also were clear and we could understand them. The newscast overall was not boring and it was engaging.

The varying lengths of the stories, as well as the different elements such as the different reporters and the different soundbites used gave each story its own flavor. Each of the soundbites used added more to the story because they showed the tone of the speaker, so it was more interesting to hear it directly from the source. All of the soundbites used were not too long and not too short, and they were rich with information.

Overall this newscast was very clear, conscise, and interesting.

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