Friday, March 19, 2010

The end of one chapter...

As my time as an undergraduate at AUC winds down, my life is getting more and more hectic. Friends getting married, graduation stuff to do, exams, and papers for courses are all things that I have on my list. But lately I have taken some time out to think about the past four years and I realized how much I would miss these years.

I remember my first day at college, not knowing anybody having just come from the States, and terrified at the idea of starting all over in a new country. My first memory at AUC was walking into the freshman advising office, and knocking down a little cat figurine and the pencil holder off of my advisors desk. Thankfully my day only started bad, but it ended with me getting to know friends which I will know for the rest of my life.

As I look back I realize I would not change this experience for anything. I have unforgettable memories and friends that stuck by me through all of the messes I seemed to get myself into. Everyone always told me that college years will be the best of my life, and I realize this now that it is winding down to a close.

The late nights studying and the times when I thought that I really could not get done with all of the things that needed to be done seem so far away now. The idea of me finally going out into “the real world” and starting to make a living on my own is starting to scare me! It is hard for me to imagine my life without due dates and exam schedules and sitting in lectures. Now that I am nearly at the end I wish time would slow down, but a part of me is still looking forward to what’s to come.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly Basma, I feel the exact same feeling as I am graduating this semester too. What you are going through now is exactly what I am going through and also many of my friends graduating are having this feeling:Freaking Out!
    AUC or university in general is an experience that will never happen again with all its goods and bads, ups and downs I simply loved it and if I could take any steps backward I would in order freeze time from taking me to graduation.
