Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Podcast: The Secret is really the key to having it all

I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about the book The Secret. The power of positive thinking in order to get what you want in life seemed like a big sham to me, just a way for someone to make money of off people silly enough to believe it. I am not a completely negative person, but it seemed a bit farfetched that if I think of something all the time then it will come to me.

Recently, however, I have become more of a believer in the power of positive thinking. I do not mean this in a sense of any supernatural forces or anything like that, just simply that if I think positively about something and if I want it bad enough then I can get it.

It takes a lot for someone to keep thinking about something without for one second hesitating or thinking they may not be able to achieve it. For example, I know a guy who wanted to be a millionaire, which seemed like a far off dream for someone like him, not only because of his fairly modest income, but also because he was never a high achiever at school. However, he disregarded everyone’s criticisms and kept his dream in focus. And now at the age of 36 he has his dream and a Mercedes and a few villas to go along with it.

I do not think that life is all about luck, or living the hand we have been dealt. I think that we can make our own luck sometimes. When someone knows what they really want, and focus all their energy at attaining it, without thinking of the negativity, then all they see in front of them is the path that leads to their dream. I think that this is the key for someone to get to where they want; focusing on your dream without putting an option for failure. So no, I no longer think that The Secret is a sham. I actually recommend that everyone read it, so they realize they have control over their own lives.

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